This is a sample of Dr. Morgan's major publications. Links to other works are located at the end of this listing.
- Morgan, L.F. (September 2019). "Once Upon a Churchyard Bench." Grantchester: The Parish Magazine. Jo Burkitt, Ed. Grantchester, Cambridgeshire, UK: 3-4.
- Morgan, L.F. (December 2019). "Church of God Chronicles: Orders from Above: The Ministry of Mother Lillian Kinsey." Church of God Evangel, 109(12).
- Morgan, L.F. (July 2019). "Where Are They Now?: Dempsey Neese: There's Still Work To Do." Church of God Evangel, 109(7).
- Morgan, L.F. (Spring 2018). "Our First Twelve: A Look at Bible Training School in 1918." Lee University Torch, 60(1).
- Morgan, L.F. (January 2018). "Church of God Chronicles: Laying the Foundation: The First Students at Bible Training School." Church of God Evangel, 108(1).
- Morgan, L.F. (November 2015). "Church of God Chronicles: Lillie Price Dunaway: Unashamed of the Spirit." Church of God Evangel, 105(11).
- Morgan, L.F. (May 2015). "Church of God Chronicles: 'I Persecuted the Church': The Story of W.H. Cabaniss." Church of God Evangel, 105(5).
- Morgan, L.F. (April 2015). "Viewpoints: Ethel Rials’ Transformation." Church of God Evangel, 105(4).
- Morgan, L.F. (31 July 2014). "It Happened at the General Assembly." General Assembly Today, 8.
- Morgan, L.F. (Spring 2014). "Ministry in the Digital Age." Engage: A Journal for Church of God Ministers, 10(2).
- Morgan, L.F. (June 2013). "Church of God Chronicles: Julia Anderson Rawls: Journey to Redemption." Church of God Evangel, 103(6).
- Morgan, L.F. (July 2012). "Where Are They Now?: Bonnie Brannen: Going Wherever the Door Opens." Church of God Evangel, 102(7).
- Morgan, L.F. (January 2012). "Where Are They Now?: French Arrington: Teacher, Writer, and Mentor." Church of God Evangel, 102(1).
- Morgan, L.F. (December 2011). "Church of God Chronicles: Amelia Shumaker: Sharing Christ Through Compassion." Church of God Evangel, 101(12).
- Morgan, L.F. (Fall 2011). "Legacies of Lee: Frances Arrington: A Life Lived for the Lee Library." Lee University Torch, 53(3).
- Morgan, L.F. (April 2011). "Church of God Chronicles: 90 Years of the ‘Penny March’ in the Church of God." Church of God Evangel, 101(4).
- Morgan, L.F. (Summer 2011). "Book Review of ‘Chattanooga Landmarks: Exploring the History of the Scenic City’ by Jennifer Crutchfield." Tennessee Libraries, 61(2).
- Morgan, L.F. (Spring 2011). "How the Local Church Can Celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Church of God." Engage, 7(2). [Magazine for Church of God pastors]
- Morgan, L.F. (March 2010). "How the Evangel Helped Establish the Church of God in Texas." Centennial Issue. Church of God Evangel, 100(3), 10.
- Morgan, L.F. (August 2009). "Church of God Chronicles: Lillie Tilghman: Leading Her Family in Christian Witness." Church of God Evangel, 99(8), 26.
- Morgan, L.F. (April 2009). "Church of God Chronicles: 90 Years at Newport, Tennessee: Edgemont Church of God." Church of God Evangel, 99(4), 19.
- Morgan, L.F. (April 2008). "Church of God Chronicles: R.R. Walker: Influenced by Love." Church of God Evangel, 98(4), 16.
- Morgan, L.F. (Winter 2007-08). "Kingdom Builders: A Program for Training Youth for Christian Service." Youth and Christian Education Leadership, 31(2), 8.
- Morgan, L.F. (November 2007). "The Flame Still Burns: The Church of God in Christ at 100." (Cover story). Charisma, 33(4), 43-58.
- Morgan, L.F. (Spring 2007). "Time Out for Leaders: Finding Renewal in Quiet Reflection." Youth and Christian Education Leadership, 30(3), 14. [Nominated for “Best Devotional Article”, Evangelical Press Association].
- Morgan, L.F. (February 2007). "Church of God Chronicles: Sharing Christ as Flames of Living Fire: 90 Years in Sevierville." Church of God Evangel, 97(2).
- Morgan, L. (June 2006). "Church of God Chronicles: Annie Heath: Pianist for the General Assembly." Church of God Evangel, 96(6), 21.
- Morgan, L. (April 2006). "Pentecostal pioneers." Charisma, 31(9), 51-57. [Eleven brief biographies of early Pentecostal leaders associated with the Azusa Street Revival.]
- Morgan, L. (January 2006). "The Shearer-Murphy House: Birthplace of the General Assembly." Church of God Evangel, 96(1), 17.
- Morgan, L. (January 2006). "The Shearer-Murphy House: Birthplace of the General Assembly." Church of God History and Heritage, 13, 3.
- Morgan, L.F. (February 2006). "Church of God Chronicles: Sharing Christ as Flames of Living Fire: 90 Years in Sevierville." Church of God Evangel, 97(2), 16.
- Morgan, L. (December 2005). "Church of God Chronicles: Ida Denson McCoy: Like Sun Rays from Heaven." Church of God Evangel, 95(12), 20.
- Morgan, L.F. (April 2004). "J. H. Ingram: From an Altar to the World." Church of God Evangel, 94(4).
- Morgan, L.F. (August 2004). "90 Years of the Church of God in Texas." General Assembly Today.
- Morgan, L.F. (February 2003). "Church of God Chronicles: Helping Papa: 'Little Jessie' Capshaw." Church of God Evangel, 93(2).
- Morgan, L.F. (April 2002). "Church of God Chronicles: E. J. Boehmer: Intercessor for Spiritual Renewal." Church of God Evangel, 92(4), 25.
- Morgan, L.F. (May 2002). "Holiness and the Whole Person." White Wing Messenger, 79(10), 20-21, and Church of God Evangel, 92(5), 16-17.
- Morgan, L.F. (Fall 2001). "Mamie P. Williams Celebrates 100th Birthday." Autumn Life, 5(3), 4.
- Morgan, L.F. (August 2001). "Church of God Chronicles: Sallie Shepherd: Performing Exploits for God." Church of God Evangel, 91(8), 31.
- Morgan, L.F. (May 2001). "Reflections on Prayer Mountain." White Wing Messenger, 79(10), 11, and Church of God Evangel, 92(5), 11.
- Morgan, L.F. (June 2001). "Searching for Broken Shells." Church of God Evangel, 91(6), 5.
- Morgan, L.F. (April 2001). "Church of God Chronicles: Clara Allison Priest: Overcome by the Spirit." Church of God Evangel, 91(4).
- Morgan, L.F. (April 2000). "Church of God Chronicles: L.G. Rouse: Imprisoned but Free." Church of God Evangel, 90(4).
- Morgan, L.F. (July 1999). "Church of God Chronicles: Whipped for Jesus' Sake." Church of God Evangel, 89(7).